Hellenic College Holy Cross offers a wide range of need-based options for financial aid, 以及竞争性的择优奖励. To learn more about financing your education or to request a financial aid application packet, please contact Michael Kirchmaier, Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships.
估计你的出席费用使用 Net Price Calculator.
获取有关招生的其他信息, enrollment, retention and graduation rates, 净价, and more in College Navigator, a free consumer information tool designed by the National Center for Education Statistics, to help students, 父母, high school counselors, 其他人得到的信息大于7,000 colleges.
学费 | Per Academic Year | Per Semester | Additional Credits |
Full time 学费 (12-18 credits) All on campus degree 项目. | 21,940.00 | 10,970.00 | 950.00 |
Single Student Housing | Per Academic Year (9 months) | Per Semester | Damage Deposit |
Polemanakos - Single Room | 11,550.00 | 5,775.00 | 400.00 |
Polemanakos - Single Apartment | 16,000.00 | 8,000.00 | 400.00 |
Polemanakos - Shared Apartment | 10,000.00 | 5,000.00 | 400.00 |
Married Student Housing | Per Academic Year (10 months) | 每个月 | Damage Deposit |
Halki Village - 1 Bedroom | 11,976.00 | 1,197.50 | 1,197.00(C) |
Halki Village - Town House | 18,780.00 | 1,878.00 | 1,878.00(C) |
Dendrinos Village - 1 Bedroom | 11,605.00 | 1,160.50 | 1,160.00(C)(D) |
Dendrinos Village - 2 Bedroom | 14,981.00 | 1,498.10 | 1,498.00(C)(D) |
Dendrinos Village - 3 Bedroom | 18,305.00 | 1,830.50 | 1,830.00(C)(D) |
Board/Food Plan** | Per Academic Year (9 months) | Per Semester | |
Full Food Plan | 4,642.00 | 2,321.00 | |
通勤饮食计划(每周10餐) | 2,566.00 | 1,283.00 |
费用 | Per Academic Year (9 months) | Per Semester | |
Registration | 100.00 | 50.00 | (#) |
Student Activity | 350.00 | 175.00 | |
Access Fee - Resident (A) | 100.00 | 50.00 | (#) |
Access Fee - Remote | 100.00 | 50.00 | |
Access Fee - Commuter | 55.00 | 27.50 | |
Parking Fee - Residential | 425.00 | 212.50 | (#) |
Parking Fee - Commuter | 212.00 | 106.25 | |
Graduation Fee | 250.00 | ||
Psychological Testing | 550.00 | 550.00 | (B) |
的sis Continuation Fee | 150.00 |
Online ThM Program | Annual 费用 | Per Semester 费用 | Additional Credit |
Online ThM Full Time 学费 (12 credits per semester) | 12,000.00 | 6,000.00 | 500.00 |
Registration Fee ThM | 100.00 | 50.00 | |
Access Fee ThM | 100.00 | 50.00 | |
Online ThM Part Time per course fee (3 credit course) | 1500.00 |
Online MTS Program | Annual 费用 | Per Semester 费用 | Additional Credit |
Online MTS Full Time 学费 (12 credits fall & 13.5 credits spring) | 15,000.00 | 7,500.00 | 625.00 |
Online MTS Program 费用 | Annual 费用 | Per Semester 费用 | |
Registration Fee MTS | 100.00 | 50.00 | |
Access Fee MTS | 100.00 | 50.00 | |
Online MTS Part Time per course fee (3 credit course) | 1,875.00 |
Online Non Degree Course (3 credits) | Annual 费用 | Per Semester 费用 | Additional Credit |
Online Non Degree Course (3 credits) | 1,500.00 | 500.00 |
Online Non Degree Course 费用 | Annual 费用 | Per Semester 费用 | |
Online Non Degree Registration Fee | 100.00 | 50.00 | |
Online Non Degree Access Fee | 100.00 | 50.00 |
**Please note that food plans are required for rooms and apartments that don’t have kitchens!
入场费包括你的宿舍或休息室钥匙, your required College ID, Library ID, 远程访问许可证/凭证和其他杂项.
Based upon 10 months
Rate does not include electricity. 居民必须在当地公用事业公司开设自己的账户, Eversource.
MUST be paid in Fall Semester
学费 and room and board refunds are determined by the number of weeks a student has attended class or has been in residence. 如果学生在以下时间内正式退学:
学期第四周后不退款. Additionally, a student who withdraws from the school and fails to do so in the prescribed manner will not be entitled to any refund.
Grant: does not have to be repaid.
没有获得学士学位但有经济需要的本科生. A student can receive a Federal Pell Grant for no more than 12 semesters or the equivalent (roughly six years.)
根据联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)计划, 学生可以获得有限的联邦资金. Grants are awarded according to school and federal guidelines, based on financial need.
For your convenience, HCHC财政援助办公室准备了一份文件,允许学生快速填写申请联邦学生援助所需的所有表格. If you would like this document to be emailed directly to you, please send us a request.
的 Teacher Assistantship Program provides students with part-time positions assisting full-time faculty members. 的se assistantships are restricted to full-time students whose cumulative grade point average is at least a 3.00或B,并且有经济需要. 在上课期间,助教每学期最多工作40小时,每周最多工作5小时. Individual faculty members in conjunction with the Office of Financial Aid will select candidates for this program. 欲了解更多信息,请发邮件至人力资源部 hr@gpff.net.
的 Work Study Program 在校园内提供各种有限的兼职工作机会. Full-time students are selected based on demonstrated financial need and the availability of positions. Each student participating in this program may work up to 20 hours per week when school is in session. 人力资源办公室分配勤工俭学的工作. 欲了解更多信息,请发邮件至人力资源部 hr@gpff.net.
Many states offer scholarships and/or loans to their residents who wish to attend schools in their state. 然而, some states offer scholarships to their residents to attend schools in another state. 以下几个州提供这种“便携式”援助项目: Connecticut, Rhode Island, 佛蒙特州, Pennsylvania,和 District of Columbia. 学生 may obtain further information directly from the state agency responsible for such 项目.
对网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字捐赠基金的捐款已经由我们慷慨的捐助者慷慨地提供了超过76年. 这些积累的资金由教师和财政援助办公室酌情颁发,以在最需要的地方提供财政支持. At times, the endowed funds may be exchanged for previously awarded general grant funds. This exchange will recognize the portion of a grant that was funded by a donor and, since it is an exchange, in most cases, 学生获得的资助总额不会改变.
All non-Hellenic College scholarships will be applied first before any Hellenic College scholarships. 一般来说,外部奖学金用于填补未满足的需求. If there is no remaining unmet need, the financial aid award offered may be adjusted. 所有外部奖学金必须向财政援助办公室报告. Again, the HCHC Financial Aid & 奖学金办公室不会向HCHC学生颁发任何奖学金,除非办公室收到fafsa生成的“学生资助报告”和HCHC学生签署的“估计奖励信”. 这条规则没有例外.
金口奖学金与圣. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival that takes place annually in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. 教区高级和初级赛区的决赛选手, 区, metropolis, and national levels of competition are eligible to receive a Chrysostom Scholarship to Hellenic College. 该奖学金每年提供2500美元到30000美元不等的奖金. 奖项结构概述于 terms and conditions.
Eligibility for the Chrysostom Scholarship does not guarantee admission to Hellenic College. 必须满足常规入学要求. 奖学金将在录取时颁发. 入学后,学生必须保持3.GPA为0,并遵守学生手册中规定的行为准则,以便在第一学年之后继续获得奖励.
在演讲节中获得第一名的参加者, 第二个, or third in the senior or junior division are encouraged to fill out the brief form on the St. 金口约翰演讲奖学金网页. 我们的招生办公室将很快与您联系.
的 Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is here to help you find as many scholarships from external sources as possible. Please reference our list of External Scholarships for additional information. This list is regularly updated.
的 Coronavirus Aid, 救援, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is legislation passed by Congress to respond to COVID-19. 该立法包括高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)。, 哪项拨款是根据高经济需要学生的人数和学校的总学生人数来分配的. Of each institution’s HEERF allocation, 50%必须以紧急学生经济援助补助金的形式直接分发给学生,以支付因COVID-19导致校园运营中断的相关费用.
As a condition to receiving the emergency student financial aid portion of its 关心行为 funding, our school signed and returned to the Department of Education a Certification and Agreement. 该证明于4月30日提交, 2020, 我们学校收到了55美元的紧急学生经济援助补助金,522 on July 16, 2020.
《网赌送彩金平台大全》规定,学生部分只能由网赌送彩金平台大全分配给符合1965年《网赌送跳槽彩金大全》第四章第484节规定的参加经济援助计划资格的学生. 根据对2019-2020学年期间联邦资格的分析,表现出最高需求的学生以及在该期间春季学期入学的学生将被考虑获得这些资金. 我们正在努力为符合条件的学生提供这种救济,一旦他们的奖励通过学生账户支付,我们将通过电子邮件通知他们.
根据1965年《网赌送跳槽彩金大全》第484条,我们已经确定了12名有资格或可能有资格参加联邦学生经济援助计划的学生, as amended, 因此,一旦收集到因冠状病毒引起的意外费用和经济需求的详细信息,就有资格根据《网赌送彩金平台大全》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助助学金. 作为奖励过程的一部分,我们正在考虑因宿舍关闭而导致的任何和所有紧急住房和食品费用, technology expenses as we moved to online classes and any unforeseen health care or childcare expenses. If you have not already been contacted by the office of financial aid and you think you might be eligible, 请尽快联系Michael Kirchmaier.
更新: 高等教育紧急救济基金-学生援助的设立是为了向经历了对其学年产生不利影响的危机的学生提供支持. 该基金的目的是支持因当前大流行病造成暂时经济困难的紧急情况下的学生. 优先考虑那些证明有特别费用并已用尽所有其他财政支助手段的学生. 的 funds were limited and not intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses. Emergency funding was provided in the form of a one-time grant to 12 of our beloved students on the 17th of September, 2020 representing 100% of ours schools allocation of the Cares Act Student Aid Emergency 救援 Fund section 18004(a)(1).
在制定奖项时考虑了许多因素. Here are some of the awarding criteria. 意外的医疗、心理健康或牙科费用不在保险范围内. 粮食不安全的临时援助. 因COVID-19造成的临时住房援助,包括额外租金, security deposit, 搬迁所需的短期旅馆费用, quarantine or isolate, for personal safety, 等. Costs of additional equipment, 软件 或服务,以便通过远程学习完成教育要求. 接受医疗、自我隔离或隔离的计划外旅行费用. Unplanned or additional childcare or family care costs necessary to complete classwork.
45-day 更新: 高等教育紧急救济基金-学生援助的设立是为了向经历了对其学年产生不利影响的危机的学生提供支持. 该基金的目的是支持因当前大流行病造成暂时经济困难的紧急情况下的学生. 优先考虑那些证明有特别费用并已用尽所有其他财政支助手段的学生. 的 funds were limited and not intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses. Emergency funding was provided in the form of a one-time grant to 12 of our beloved students on the 17th of September, 2020 representing 100% of ours schools allocation of the Cares Act Student Aid Emergency 救援 Fund section 18004(a)(1).
在制定奖项时考虑了许多因素. Here are some of the awarding criteria. 意外的医疗、心理健康或牙科费用不在保险范围内. 粮食不安全的临时援助. 因COVID-19造成的临时住房援助,包括额外租金, security deposit, 搬迁所需的短期旅馆费用, quarantine or isolate, for personal safety, 等. Costs of additional equipment, 软件, 或服务,以便通过远程学习完成教育要求. 因接受医疗、自我隔离或隔离而产生的计划外旅行费用. Unplanned or additional childcare or family care costs were necessary to complete classwork.
网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字学生和家长有资格申请第四章联邦学生贷款计划,如补贴斯塔福德, Unsubsidized 工作人员ord, 和家长/毕业生+贷款通过威廉D. Ford Direct Loan program with the U.S. Department of Education. 联邦贷款通常是利率较低的贷款,为学生和家长提供一段宽限期,在宽限期内不需要还款, as well as multiple repayment plans.
无论你是第一次贷款还是继续学生贷款, 您可以通过填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)和电子签署主本票(MPN)来申请直接贷款。. 美国.S. 教育部要求所有希望在联邦斯塔福德贷款计划下借款的学生在获得资金之前参加贷款入学咨询. 为了帮助您满足这一要求,请访问直接贷款网站. 请注意,完成此入学咨询和考试, 你需要你的FAFSA密码来访问你的贷款文件.
在你入学期间,这些贷款将被延期支付. 然而, 一旦你毕业或低于一半的学分负担(本科), 6 quarter credit hours per semester; graduate, 2或4个学分(取决于你的专业), 在开始还款前,您将进入6个月的“宽限期”. Once this period has expired, you will be required to begin making payments on your student loans.
重要的直接贷款信息也可以在美国.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid website.
家长PLUS贷款只适用于家长 of a dependent undergraduate students enrolled at least half-time and who meet all the eligibility requirements for federal student aid 项目. 希望申请的受抚养学生的家长必须完成在线PLUS贷款申请,其中包括对学校的信用检查 Direct Loan website.
家长PLUS贷款的固定利率为9.2024年7月1日至2025年6月31日期间发放的贷款为08%. 一旦全额发放贷款,家长有责任偿还Parent PLUS贷款,但只要他们的孩子仍然注册至少半天,他们就可以选择推迟付款. Interest on the loan will continue to accrue while the student is in school and during any period of forbearance or deferment. 父母 have a number of repayment options 可根据借款人的个人需求提供.
联邦直接毕业生PLUS贷款是一项固定利率贷款计划,使研究生能够直接从美国联邦政府贷款.S. 帮助支付他们的教育费用. Graduate PLUS loans are only available to graduate students who are enrolled at least half time and who meet all the eligibility requirements for federal student aid 项目. 毕业生PLUS贷款的固定利率为9%.2024年7月1日至2025年6月31日期间发放的贷款为08%.
学生在入学期间负责偿还研究生PLUS贷款,但只要他们至少保持一半的状态,就可以选择推迟付款. Interest on the loan will continue to accrue while the student is in school and during any period of forbearance or deferment. 学生 also have a number of repayment options 可根据借款人的个人需求提供.